2273 Dorchester, Ave, Boston MA, 02124

Horario de trabajo
Lunes a Viernes: 9AM - 6PM
Fin de semana: 10AM - 4PM

Phone Numbers
1 857- 220-9787

Bridge Loans

A bridge loan is a short-term financing option which helps to “bridge” the gap between the immediate need for cash and either the sale of a property or securing long term financing. We understand that the #1 reason investors choose bridge loans are for speed, so we can quickly underwrite a deal and provide surety of execution that your deal will get over the line.
 Purchase, Refi (Rate & Term/Cash Out), Construction
 Lending in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, & Florida

The curriculum often includes topics such as property valuation methods, market analysis, real estate ethics, and legal issues related to real estate transactions. Students can also learn about real estate technology, marketing strategies, and negotiation techniques.

Rental Loans

Our program is suitable for both seasoned and first-time real estate investors seeking financing for a purchase or refinance of a rental property. This is a low-documentation, truly asset-based rental loan program customized to meet your specific needs. The program does not require verification of personal income or tax returns.

Instead, your eligibility and loan terms are determined based on your credit score (660 minimum), loan-to-value ratio (LTV), liquidity reserves (6-12 months), and debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR). 30-year fixed rate, and 10/1 ARM loan terms are available.

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